As we age our facial support weakens and we lose facial volume. This along with gravity results
in the development of jowling, periorbital hollowness, laugh lines as well as marionette lines.
The no surgical thread lift is a procedure where dissolvable threads are inserted just below the
skin in order to lift and reposition the skin. This procedure stimulates wound healing and
promotes a natural production of collagen, elastin and binding tissue in and around the thread
that has been inserted, therefore allowing your body to maintain the result of the thread lift
naturally after the thread has dissolved.
PDO threads can address almost all areas of the face such as cheeks, jowls, neck, eyebrows,
jaw line, forehead, marionette lines, and more. There are many different types of threads, and
each thread is individually chosen to suit the individual needs of the client.
What to expect during a thread lift procedure:
A non-surgical thread lift can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours depending on areas being
treated. Local anesthetic is administered to the areas being treated, you should feel no
discomfort during the procedure.
The provider will insert the thread just below the surface of the skin with a cannula. Once the
thread is placed in the correct position the cannula will be removed, leaving the thread in place
allowing for the tightening and lifting of the skin. Most patients describe the treatment as strange
and the sensation of pressure, but not painful.
Following your procedure you can expect bruising and some swelling. Full results will be visible
at the 4 week mark. You will need to allow yourself 2-3 weeks for all tenderness to subside.
Dimpling is also a common side effect of the threads, meaning the skin may not appear as
smooth as you expect immediately post procedure. This is completely normal, and will improve
on its own throughout the 4 week healing cycle. You may also hear “popping” under the skin,
rest assured that this is normal, this occurs as threads are being embedded into your skin.
Who is the ideal candidate:
An ideal patient for a non-surgical thread lift would be someone between 40 to 55 years of age
with moderate laxity of the cheeks and chin, as well as drooping malar pads. These patients are
typically not interested in a more invasive surgical procedure like a face lift, and prefer to try a
less invasive approach first. Each candidate will be assessed on the initial consultation and a
treatment plan will be offered depending on client goals. Please note that PDO threads are not a
replacement for Neurotoxins and Filler treatments.
How long will my PDO Thread Lift last?
PDO threads can last anywhere from 6 months to a year. This depends on a variety of factors
such as skin laxity and how quickly your body metabolizes them. Some clients will need more
than one session to achieve desired results. However, because PDO threads stimulate the
natural production of collagen, elastin, and binding tissue in your body, the results of your
non-surgical thread lift can last for months after your PDO threads dissolve. In other words, your
result can last up to a year.
● To minimize bruising avoid the following blood thinners ~3 days prior to treatment: baby
aspirin, Aleve, Motrin, multivitamins, vitamin E and D, and fish oils – they can cause you
to bruise more easily. Note: please consult with your prescribing physician before
discontinuing any prescribed baby aspirin or blood thinners. Without clearance from your
prescribing physician we will not be able to treat you.
● Please do not drink alcohol for 7 days prior to the procedure.
● Please do not smoke 2 days before and 2 weeks after treatment.
● You are not a candidate for MINT Threads if you:
○ are pregnant or breastfeeding
○ are allergic to any of its ingredients
○ have acute illness or autoimmune deficiencies
○ have a bleeding disorder
○ have keloid or hypertrophic scarring
● Do not schedule any dental work, including cleanings, 2 weeks prior to treatment.
● We always recommend using sunscreen to protect your skin as we will not perform the
treatment on sunburnt skin. Please use care when in the sun and in the days prior to
your appointment.
● It’s important not to have a bacterial or fungal infection, or an abrasion in the desired
treatment area as it can spread after injection.
● Always inform your clinician of all medications you may be taking, as well as any
changes in your medical history.
Thread Lift Post-Treatment Instruction:
● DO know that it is common to feel some tugging and soreness as you move the treated
area. These feelings diminish after a week or two.
● DO go back to everyday life (i.e. driving, eating (avoiding aggressive or prolonged
chewing), walking, etc.) right after the procedure. See notes about exercise in “Don’t”
● Do apply a cool compress ( in 30-minute increments over the first 24 hours to reduce
swelling. Please be aware that using ice on newly injected skin, or thin and fragile skin,
can cause injury. Frostbite can occur from ice left on the skin too long. Note: do not ice
over the entry point.
● Do use Arnica for bruising. The bruising will dissipate over the next 7-14 days depending
on your individual healing process. You can purchase bromelain at Facial Aesthetics on
the day of your treatment.
● Do sleep on your back (if possible) for the next 3-5 days to prevent movement of
● Do return to your skin care program after 24 hours.
● Do (if prescribed) take your full prescription of your antibiotic or antiviral medication.
● Do manage any pain or discomfort by taking only Tylenol as per recommended dosing
instructions. Due to threads being placed in the skin, there may be discomfort and
tightness in the area for several days after the procedure, this will decrease over time.
● Do contact your injector following the Thread Lift procedure if you develop any new or
worsened swelling, tenderness, warmth, or redness in the treated area, or if you’re
experiencing any discharge from the entry point(s).
● Do make a follow-up appointment with your injector 1-week post-treatment –
communication is so important.
● DO NOT touch your entry points for 48 hours. If applying a cool compress, avoid contact
with the entry points.
● Do not massage the treatment area or receive a deep facial massage for the next 2
● Do not pick at the tiny scab that will form at the entry point over the next few days. If it
itches,wash the area gently and keep the area clean, or an oral antihistamine such as
Benadryl can be taken.
● Do not lay down either on your back or on your stomach for 4 hours after the procedure
to decrease the possibility of the movements of threads.
● Do not exercise for 4 weeks. This includes all strenuous workouts. Walking is permitted.
● Do not take a shower or wash your hair for the first 24 hours. Avoid hot showers for one
● When washing your face after 24 hours, gently wash the required area with cleanser
(recommended by your injector) and water. It is fine to shampoo and wash over the entry
point and to towel off the area.
● Do not take a hot tub, or sauna for one week.
● Do not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages (includes wine) for 1-2 weeks. Smoking
and drinking will slow down the healing process.
● Do not apply skin care products/makeup for 24 hours post treatment.
● Do not apply makeup over the entry point until you see your clinician at your follow-up
● Do not make exaggerated facial expressions for about 2-3 weeks. Avoid aggressive or
prolonged chewing, wide yawning, or smiling too large for up to 1 month.
● Do avoid dental work, including cleanings, for 4 weeks. Should you have a dental
emergency, please contact your injector.
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